A homeowner can substitute their air conditioner with a whole house fan for the majority of the year in some climates. Whole house fans, ceiling fans, and even portable fans can provide temporary comfort for anyone, even when the weather is slightly hot.
A whole house fan creates a vacuum like feeling, pulling in air through the windows of a home, exhausting air through the attic space. Not only does it provide cooling effects for a home, but it also provides attic ventilation. Whole house fans are capable of producing 15-22 air exchanges per hour, but this all varies on the square foot of your home, climate, and even weather conditions, etc.
Installing a whole house fan is much more difficult than you think and should always be done by someone who is experienced in electrical work. This is why we suggest you hire a professional. Imagine if you accidently cut into your wall, wired the controls incorrectly, or even mounted the whole house fan in an unsafe spot. All of this could lead to costly repairs.
Another reason why installing a whole house fan should be installed by a professional is because of attic ventilation. Normally, you would need to increase the attic’s intake and exhaust ventilation to accommodate a whole house fan. Not having enough ventilation can cause the whole house fan to create a backdraft in a furnace, water heater or gas-lit dryers, pulling combustible products such as carbon monoxide into your living area. Without properly sizing the fan or creating the necessary venting, a whole house fan can ineffectively perform at its prime specifications.
When using a whole house fan, be mindful that you should open a few windows throughout the house to prevent unwanted pressure from one location of the home. If you were to only focus on one part of a home, just make sure your fan is operating at a low speed. This not only saves you energy but cools your home at a fraction of the cost.
QuietCool is the original patented holder and leader for ducted whole house fans. Their patented design not only makes for efficient home cooling, but for quiet operations with extreme home energy savings.
In order for whole house fans to work effectively, it is always good to understand how to properly use them and when. Whole house fans are best used in the morning or late evenings when the outside temperature is much cooler than the inside temperature of your home. This allows the whole house fan to bring in cooler air throughout the home.
For climates that have somewhat a mild temperature, a whole house fan can almost eliminate the need to use an air conditioning unit. Operating a whole house fan can also reduce the cost of your energy bill by up to 30% and reduce a/c related costs by up to 50-90%. Experts in the home improvement field have also testified that installing an energy efficient whole house fan can even yield 80% off your energy costs.
If you are looking to install an energy efficient QuietCool whole house fan, give us a call! We would be happy to give you a free quote.